It is absolutely essential to have your dog or cat properly vaccinated against dangerous diseases. Not only will it help protect your dog or cat from sickness but in California, many vaccines are required by law. While keeping up with your pet’s vaccines can be expensive, Palmdale Veterinary Hospital offers discounted vaccine services available to everyone twice a week. Take advantage of the good opportunity to keep your best friend protected with our low cost shots.
Low Cost Vaccinations at Our Palmdale Animal Hospital
At Palmdale Veterinary Hospital, we offer low cost vaccinations to make it easier to vaccinate your pet. We are available for vaccinations Monday – Saturday by appointment only. Below, we will take a look at the necessary vaccines for your puppy, dog, kitten, or cat to keep them well protected.
Primary Immunizations
There are a few vaccines that are considered the core vaccines and an absolute necessity for your dog and cat. These include canine parvovirus, distemper, and rabies, as well as canine hepatitis, feline leukemia, and Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). These are the most necessary shots to keep your pet protected. Many of these vaccines will be given to your puppy or kitten in a series of vaccines over a period of time in their first year of life, and then will require follow up booster shots intermittently throughout your dog or cat’s life. Many of these vaccines are required to be in compliance with California state law, and will be required for any pet services that you may subscribe to including boarding, pet daycare, or travel. In California, all dogs over 4 months must have a rabies vaccination, and no matter the age of the dog at the first rabies immunization, a second rabies shot needs to be scheduled after one year, and a rabies booster shot is required every three years following.
Vaccination Schedule
Puppies and kittens should begin their vaccination cycle between 6 to 8 weeks of age. Many vaccines are administered every few weeks and they should conclude their vaccine schedule by the time they are 16 weeks old. Vaccines for adult dogs and cats will depend entirely on the animal’s age, health, and environment. A veterinarian will be able to determine what the appropriate vaccination schedule is for your pet.
After the Vaccine
Following the vaccine, your dog or cat may experience some initial symptoms of the disease the pet is being vaccinated against. The symptoms can range from some soreness at the site of the injection to fever, or even allergic reactions from the injection. While these symptoms of the vaccine may be scary they are far better than having the actual disease itself. Depending on the animal, these symptoms may be short lived. Some specific symptoms to be weary of include fever, loss of appetite, sluggishness, or even difficulty breathing or seizure. If any of these symptoms persist following a vaccine injection it is a good idea to consult your veterinarian.